Saturday, November 26, 2011

Setelah beberapa kali coba meng-index domain saya di google gak gak terindeks juga akhirnya saya mencari informasi. Ternyata seluruh domain telah di de-indeks oleh GOOGLE. kenapa??? akhirnya setelah saya telusuri di:

Why all have been deindexed? 

Best answers(jawaban seorang pegawai GOOGLE)

Hi everyone

I'd recommend taking a look at Matt Cutts' comment at

As he mentions there, "if we see a very large fraction of sites on a specific freehost be spammy or low-quality, we do reserve the right to take action on the freehost as a whole." Taking action like this is not really something new, and it is something that we may do elsewhere at Google as well (eg as mentioned on with regards to malware). 

If you feel that your particular site is in line with our Webmaster Guidelines, I would recommend submitting a reconsideration request. Additionally, if you use a subdomain on a widely used domain name, and feel that your subdomain provider is not up to par with regards to preventing and handling abuse quickly - be it webspam, phishing, or malware - you may wish to look into ways of remedying that.

Hope it helps,

kalau tidak salah beginilah maksudnya, Google menganggap blog yang berbasis freehost, freedomain, menyumbang sebagian besar spam, bulk, malware, dan salah satunya yang selama ini Google tinjau yakni Domain dot Dan tiindakan Google untuk menghapus Co.Cc dari index nya bukan tanpa rencana dan alasan.

kalau butuh bukti coba aja tulis di search box google.

 hasilnya domain dot deindexed from Google,

 tapi sekarang domain saya gak saya pakai domain utama lagi tapi cuma buat URL Forwarding aja...

okey... akhirnya bagi teman - teman bloger termasuk saya yang sudah terlanjur punya domain harap bersabar yaaaa dan mudah - mudahan google bisa berubah pikiran lagi..... SALAM DAMAI AJA..... :D
                                                                                                                *Angga Lanuma


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